Sunday, March 4, 2012


Been a while since I posted a P90x update...Just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't quit, in fact, I'm more motivated than ever...

One month, one week of P90x is completed and I must say it's been tough, but at the same time, very rewarding.

Some observations:

P90x is a tough workout...extremely tough because of the length. Each workout is an hour long and 6 times a week, but I know the routine inside/out. So I guess the easiest part is the familiarity with the routine. The other part is I'm having trouble sticking to the nutritional plan. It's not so much I'm eating Hamburgers, hotdogs, and Twinkes. I'm not overloading on Sugar and processed foods, and I'm not overeating. I love to eat..but sometimes I just want Buffalo Wings or a cheese sandwich.

With each workout, I feel myself getting more stronger and gaining more flexibility. I'm doing more push ups and pull ups, increasing my reps with higher weights, which in turn I've showed some definition in my arms and's a wonderful feeling knowing my hard work is paying off. My coordination, balance, and stamina are at an all-time high. I'm feeling awesome after every workout...

The only drawback and getting started. Each morning, I get up around 5:30AM, and sit on the edge of my bed, trying to get myself motivated to workout...When I feel myself falling back to bed, I use a technique I learned from Self-Help Guru, Anthony Robbins called the Pain/Pleasure threshold. The concept is basically every human emotion is motivated by two things -- seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. It's easier to avoid pain and having pleasure. I associate pain with not doing the workout which in turn gets me motivated to do it to get the ultimate pleasure of being healthy. When I think about the ultimate goal of being healthy, I pop out of bed and get through the workout.

Once I start the workout, I don't want to stop and the hour flies by....

5 Weeks in, I've lost 11 Lbs....maybe if I stuck to the diet a little better I'd probably lose more, but hey, can't complain about the results.....

8 More weeks left....I'm looking forward to each day...

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